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My grandmother's ring

Posted by Sarah Holowenko on 2022 May 4th

My grandmother's ring

My interest in silversmithing began in childhood, although I did not make my first piece until I was 35. My uncle was a hobby silversmith and used to make pieces for my aunt, mother, and grandmother for Christmas. My grandmother loved turquoise. The pieces he made for her always had turquoise.

There was one ring in particular she received from my uncle that she used to wear every day. She wore it so much that if you were to close your eyes and picture her, you could not picture her without it. The ring was her.

I admired everything about her. Her jeep, the way she sat on the floor, her long hair, her cuckoo clocks and marionettes, her loud laugh, and the way popcorn magically appeared in her kitchen earthenware and never emptied.

I never asked my uncle to make me a turquoise ring. Somehow it seemed sacred.

Instead I looked everywhere for a turquoise ring I could buy and wear like she wore hers. I have a large ring size (fluctuating from 10-12) and was never able to find a feminine turquoise ring that could fit me. I love silver jewelry, especially with turquoise, and was magnetically attracted to any booth, table, or store where I could admire it, even if it didn't fit me.

Even though I have done countless crafts my entire life, I was always too intimidated by silversmithing. It required lots of expensive tools and a dangerous torch. I was scared to hurt myself or burn my house down, or just couldn't afford it or didn't have the mental energy to try to figure out what tools I needed.

In 2018 while on maternity leave after the birth of our first child, I was on a desperate hunt for something I could do that was for me. I needed a break from the all consuming everything that is parenthood. I decided to take the plunge and travel to Vancouver BC to take a 3 day crash course beginner's silversmithing class.

Once I got over my fear of the torch and understood the basic tools I needed, the rest was history. I learned most of what I know through trial and error and youtube. You can learn anything on youtube.

(Above) Granny and I about to take off for a vacation to Germany when I was 12. 

(Below) One of our many "unbirthday" parties Granny used to throw for us in July (because we were all born in December/January).

Granny's infamous turquoise ring: